
Sunday, December 31, 2017

Thyme for Snowflake St. Nick

 I wanted to show you my latest project 
Snowflake St. Nick

This is a 30" tall Santa Dummy Board

Cynthia Erekson

"Dummy Boards" 
were first brought to this country during colonial times. 
They were cut from flat boards,
 these whimsical figures were painted to resemble men, women or children 
sometimes plants or animals. 
They were free standing 
 were often placed near a fireplace with their backs to the wall
 served to "provide a presence" in an empty room.

Lets step inside my STUDIO to see what I have been painting!

My Palette

Lamp Black, Deep Burgundy, Shading Flesh, True Ochre, Charcoal Grey, Leaf Green, Hauser Dark Green, Dusty Rose, Titanium White, Neutral Grey, Dove Grey, Tomato Red
Lets paint!!!

My surface is cut from 3/4" pine.
It measures 3/4" x 11 " x 30"

I began by lightly sanding the surface and removing the dust.

I used equal amounts of sealer and paint.
(1) Multipurpose Sealer : (1) Lamp Black

I base coated the surface with 2 coats 
Lamp Black plus Multi Purpose Sealer.
I used a large flat American Decor Brush to base coat.

I transferred the main elements of the design to my surface with graphite paper.
The hat and bag are painted with Deep Burgundy.
I applied one coat and let it dry.
The second coat is done by working from the center of each area out to the edges.
This allows for some areas to appear darker.
I added additional shading with Lamp Black.
I highlighted the top and right side
of the hat and "bulges" in the bag 
Deep Burgundy and a touch of Shading Flesh.

The hat brim, mitten and boot are painted with True Ochre leaving a mottled surface.
I highlighted these areas by first loading a stencil brush with True Ochre.
I circled the brush on my palette to evenly distribute the paint in the bristles.

Next I picked up some
on the same brush.

I circled the brush on my palette to slightly blend the two colors.
I then pounced the brush lightly through
center of the hat brim, along the thumb and center of mitten.

I shaded the hat brim area where it meets the face with Charcoal Grey.
The boots were shaded with Lamp Black.

I spattered the hat brim, mitten and boot heavily with Charcoal Grey.
I let spatters dry completely before proceeding!

I created the arm and coat front by highlighting 

I transferred the lines for the wide vertical bands of color on the plaid.

I am working on the vertical bands of color on the bottom of the coat.
I used Leaf Green and Tomato Red.

The face is base coated with several coats of Dusty Rose.
I shaded the eye sockets and along the nose
 with a mix 
 Dusty Rose and Shading Flesh.

I have base coated the eye area with Titanium White.
I base coated the beard with an under coat of Neutral Grey.
When dry I took a fully loaded stencil brush loaded 
Dove Grey 
pounced the beard area.

I then used my brush loaded with Dove Grey to define the mustache.

I used a small stencil brush loaded
Dove Grey
to add snowflakes of different sizes 
 the bag.
After I had completed all the snowflakes
 I added Dazzling Metallics White Pearl to my brush 
went over the snowflakes to add subtle shine.
Make sure you re-align your stencil carefully to do this!

 I stenciled on the large snowflake on the coat 
I left my stencil in place
went over the snowflake lightly

I am now working on the eyes.

I am now working on the beard.
I use Silver Micron Mini Detail brushes for all fine line work and details.

Close up of face and beard.

I am now painting the holly leaves.

I am now adding the dots using a stylus and end of a large brush handle.

I am also finishing the line work to complete the plaid pattern.

Santa is now ready to have his coat "spattered".

Before spattering I covered Santa's face 
with a 
paper towel.
To spatter 
I dipped just the tips of  a medium stencil brush
I then circled the brush 
in a
  dime size puddle 
Titanium White.
I then hold my brush over my surface to be spattered 
flick some bristles 
by pulling towards me with my palette knife.
Turn your brush occasionally to access fresh paint.
Let spatters dry well!
I applied several coats 
to my finished Santa

Rosemary Reynolds and DecoArt
provided me with the paints 
products to complete this project 
as part of their 
Helping Artist and Blogger Outreach Programs.

Thank you DecoArt!

I hope you have enjoyed watching me paint

Snowflake Santa

Happy Painting!



  1. Love this Santa! Could you please tell me Where we can get the pattern and dummy board?

    1. This design is by Cynthia Erekson. You can look for the pattern on her website Reflections of the Past. If you don't find it there you can contact her via her website. You can also get the wood from her. This is the link to her website :

  2. Love this Santa! Could you please tell me Where we can get the pattern and dummy board?

  3. Buonasera Ciao Lynn,
    grazie mille, mi ha fatto tanto piacere...l'iscrizione nei miei Follower!!!
    Un abbraccio...Carmen
    Good evening Hello Lynn,
    thank you very much, I was so pleased ... the registration in my Follower !!!
    A hug ... Carmen


Keep those brushes flying!
Lynn Barbadora @ Painting Thyme Needfuls

"Life is a great BIG canvas and you should throw all the paint you can on it!"
~ Danny Kaye