
Saturday, October 28, 2017

Pilgrim Pie Paddle

Where did the month 
is Tuesday 
then comes
which means 

Today I wanted to show you a project I just completed called
Pilgrim Pie Paddle

Cynthia Erekson

Let's step inside the STUDIO!

My Palette

Lamp Black, Camel, Burnt Sienna, Burnt Umber, Marigold, Raw Sienna,  Light Mocha, Buttermilk, Milk Chocolate, True Ochre, Antique Green, Honey Brown, Hauser Medium Green, Hauser Light Green, Deep Blush, Burnt Orange, Spiced Pumpkin

Let's Paint!

I began by sanding the surface lightly and removing the dust.

I used a 2" sponge brush to base coat the surface with Lamp Black.
I used a "press and lift" motion to create a textured surface.

Repeatedly press and lift the brush straight up ( do not pat).

I work from the center of the surface out to the edges.
You can go back over the surface while the paint is still wet
 to flatten and refine the texture slightly.

The burlap sections are actually paper!

measured and traced 
each of the sections carefully
 then cut them out.

I worked on one section at a time.

I spread
onto the paper's back side 
 onto the board where the paper would be adhered.

There should be no ridges on both the wood and the paper.
Work carefully so as not to rip the paper when it is wet.
Quickly position the paper on the wood .
Smooth from the center out to the edges.

Let dry overnight!
When dry trim any excess paper.
Using a circular motion 
lightly sand the paper 
at the top and bottom rounded corners
 to soften the papers edges and make them blend with the wood.

I then applied a smooth coat of Decou-Page onto the paper, 
extending this coat out beyond the papers edges to completely secure it to the wood.

Let dry completely!
I find over night works best!

Measure and tape 1/4" borders along the edges of the paper.
I used a small stencil brush
to pounce a solid border along
 the top and bottom 
of the scene
Burnt Sienna.

* Make sure you use a "low tack" tape so as not to tear your paper!

Transfer the main design on to the paddle. 
Add details as needed.

I use Silver Micron Mini brushes for detail painting.

It took several coats of thinned paint to achieve opaque coverage on the decoupaged area.

Once the lettering was complete I used Raw Sienna to highlight the left sides of each letter.

I lined the vines and based the leaves using Hauser Medium Green plus Antique Green.

I darkened the bases and some part of each leaf using a wash of Black Green.
I randomly added washes of True Ochre and Burnt Sienna to the tips and centers of some leaves.

The ground area is done by adding soft "dry" paint 
to the textured board
 using a 
Stain - It brush.
I loaded my brush with Camel, then wiped off excess paint.
I used the chisel edge to first establish the hilltop.
Slide the brush side to side , 
then gently pull some of the color 
lightly down the hill depositing soft color.

Once the hill was established 
I turned the brush so the bristles were now vertical
wiped the dry brush across the ground.

I continued to layer different values of color.
Remember your brush should be DRY you should not see paint moving on your surface!
The paint on the brush should be so dry 
that it is being deposited "on top" of the textured surface
 you created with the base coat.

Transfer details

Working on the buildings.

Starting to paint the Pilgrim.

Adding detail to the Pilgrim.

I mostly use Lowell Cornell Ultra Rounds for painting and shading.

I always have a mop brush in hand to soften the shaded areas.

Adding the CROW and the weeds.

Adding the fence.

Continuing with the line work and small details.

I use a Texture-It Brush for the foliage.

Close up of the tree foliage.

I used a large stencil brush and a palette knife to spatter my piece.
I covered the pilgrims face and spattered first with Burnt Umber. 
When dry I spattered again with Lamp Black.

*** To spatter easily, load the stencil brush with thinned paint. Hold the brush over the piece, with the bristles raised up, and repeatedly flick the bristles using the palette knife. Pull the knife towards you, across just some of the bristles closest to you. ***

After the spattered areas were dry I used my stylus to add the bittersweet berries.

Adding the highlights to the bittersweet berries

I added the remaining dots to the buttons, tress, berries on the weeds etc.

I used my Stain-It Brush loaded with Lamp Black to shade around the edges of the paddle.

Thyme to varnish!

I usually apply the first coat of Dura Clear Ultra Matte Varnish with a brush.

I apply additional coats of varnish using a round sponge as seen in the bottom row.

It is important to let each coat of varnish dry completely
before applying additional coats to prevent cloudiness!

I wrapped some twine on the handle of the paddle.

Close up of top of paddle.

Rosemary Reynolds and DecoArt 
provided me with the paints to complete this project as part of their
  Helping Artist 
Blogger Outreach Programs

Thank you DecoArt!!

I attached my paddle to a grapevine wreath that I embellished!

I hope you have enjoyed watching me create 
Pilgrim Pie Paddle!

Happy Painting!


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Keep those brushes flying!
Lynn Barbadora @ Painting Thyme Needfuls

"Life is a great BIG canvas and you should throw all the paint you can on it!"
~ Danny Kaye