
Sunday, June 25, 2017

It's thyme to show you Clamshackle Cove a Sailor's Ditty Box

Today I want to show you a project that I painted 
Clamshackle Cove
A Sailor's Ditty Box

Growing up I was lucky enough to spend many summers on 
Cape Cod 
as my grandparents retired there.
I have fond memories of going to dig for clams with my grandparents.

I now live at the Cape. 
This is a picture of Barnstable Harbor which is not to far from my home.
 I often walk down by the harbor.

Lets get back to the STUDIO to see what I have been painting!

My Palette

Camel, Deep Midnight Blue, Lamp Black, Sand, Light Buttermilk, Victorian Blue, Black Green, Antique Green, Burnt Sienna

Lets paint!

I began by first by lightly sanding my surface. 
Wipe off dust.

I then sealed it with Multi-Purpose Sealer both inside and out.

My box measures 7 3/4" x 3 3/4" x 3 3/4"

I began by squirting a puddle of Camel on my palette.
I created a heavily textured base coat using a sponge  brush.

I worked on one side of the box at a time
 using a 
"press and lift" motion
 the sponge brush.
Work from center out to edges 
by repeatedly pressing the brush down and lifting straight up.

I let the first coat dry well then repeated the base coat.
While the paint is still wet , lightly pat the surface
 with the dirty brush 
to slightly minimize the texture.

I squirted out a quarter size puddle of Antique Green on my palette.
I carefully added 2 drops of Black Green  onto the Antique Green puddle.
Around this puddle I squirted out 6 quarter size puddles of Clear Glaze Medium.

I mixed this glaze mixture together well with my palette knife.
I measured off the center rectangle on the top of my box.
I used a 1" sponge brush to "press and lift"
a coat of glaze mix 
all around the outer border of the lid top.
I then applied a second coat of the glaze mixture 
over the first coat of glaze mix.
Your glaze mix should be bubbly and not thin!
I then proceeded to press my palette knife repeatedly into the glaze
lifting it and moving it slightly before pressing down again.
I continued in this manner around each side of the top border. 
I angled my palette knife as I went around the corners.

And this is how wonderful the top of the box looked when completed!
I repeated the graining process to the box sides and back as well. 
I omitted the front as that is where the design will be painted.

I taped off generous 1/4" borders around the top of the box. 
I used a soft stencil brush to "dry brush" the Lamp Black borders.

Top of box with border.

I then transferred the mountain and lower ground area lines to the box.
I painted the mountains Deep Midnight Blue. 
The water is Victorian Blue. 
I built up the color gradually for the water.

I painted the ground area a streaky wash of Antique Green.
I then taped off the 1/4" border on the front, back and sides of the box. 
I painted it Lamp Black 
using a dry soft stencil brush 
in the same manner that I did the top border.

Front , side and top of box.

The rectangle on the top of the box is painted Deep Midnight Blue.
I lightly sanded the rectangle to age it.
I then shaded the inside of the rectangle with Lamp Black.

The borders are all around the top edge of lid, top and bottom edges of front, back and sides. 

I used a "super dry" stencil brush
to gently and subtly shade next to all the borders with Lamp Black.

I have the "stormy sky" painted in along with the mountains, water and ground areas.
I again used a "super dry" stencil brush 
with Lamp Black
to shade around the edges of the scene.

I like to use Silva Micron Mini detail brushes for such tiny work.
I'm working on the houses and sail boats.

I have added the weeds, fences, boat. 
I've added some shading in the sand and pathways.

I have lightened the sky behind the mountains and added the setting sun.

I have added the foliage to the trees.

I made a very thin wash with Burnt Sienna. 

I used a large brush to paint this wash over the entire box. 
This gives the box a nice warm tint.

I use a large brush to apply the first coat of Ultra Matte Varnish.
I use a sponge to add additional coats of varnish. 
Be sure to let coats of varnish dry thoroughly between coats to prevent clouding!

I used glue to attach the handle.

Once the glue had dried I filled the holes in the handle with Lamp Black paint.
When dry the paint resembles raised black tacks!
Let dry completely!

Rosemary Reynolds and DecoArt
 provided me with the paints to complete this project as part of their 
Helping Artist and Blogger Outreach Programs.
Thank you DecoArt!

Side view

Side view

Front and top view

Front view

I hope you have enjoyed watching me paint
Clamshackle Cove
Sailor's Ditty Box!

Happy Painting until next time!


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Keep those brushes flying!
Lynn Barbadora @ Painting Thyme Needfuls

"Life is a great BIG canvas and you should throw all the paint you can on it!"
~ Danny Kaye