
Sunday, July 5, 2015

It's thyme to show you a piece called Boston Harbor

Today I would like to show you a design 
that I painted called
Boston Harbor

This design 
is by
Rebecca Trimble
can be found in her book
Rebecca's Collections

I enlarged this design to 33" x 24"

My pallette for this project

Antiques green, Antique White, Asphaltum, Black Plum, Blue Grey Mist, Burnt Sienna, Cadium Yellow, Camel, Celery Green, Lamp Black, Leaf Green, Light Buttermilk, Light French Blue, Milk Chocolate, Mississippi Mud, Neutral Grey, Plantation Pine, Raw Sienna, Rockwood Red, Soft Black, Titanium White, Uniform Blue

Base coating the back ground

Adding trees and shrubs

I always like to take a step back 
from my work to see how it looks 
from a distance

Starting the lighthouse 

As I was painting the lighthouse 
I was not really sure I liked the stones on it

 I decided to stop painting the lighthouse for the moment
proceeded to paint the house in front of it

I then realized that the stones appeared too large on the lighthouse

is the
of the 

I repainted the lighthouse
I felt that the stones appeared too large
the size of the lighthouse
I was pleased with the lighhouse
re-doing it
What do you think?

I also worked on the large trees in the distance
 to allow some light
to shine thru

Time to paint the houses

As I was painting the houses
 it appeared like they were in the water
so I changed the shoreline

I used
DecoArt Dura Clear Matte Varnish 
seal my piece

(In this photo you can better see the changes I made to the shoreline)

My husband made the frame for my
Boston Harbor 

I used 
 Chalky finish 
paint my frame
The color I used 

I sealed my frame 
Americana Decor

Deco Art provided me with the paints to complete this project as
part of their 
Helping Artist Program
Thank you DecoArt!

You can read my blogger profile

I hope you have enjoyed watching me paint

Boston Harbor

Happy Painting!



Keep those brushes flying!
Lynn Barbadora @ Painting Thyme Needfuls

"Life is a great BIG canvas and you should throw all the paint you can on it!"
~ Danny Kaye