
Wednesday, October 15, 2014

It's THYME to make some Candy Corn Ornies!

Eeeeek My Pretties!
almost here!

Lets make some 
using a

Here is my recipe!
3T Shortening
1/2 Cup  Sugar
1/2 Cup Molasses
1 Tsp Baking Soda
3/4 Cup Water
3 1/2 Cups Flour
1 Tsp each: ground cloves, cinnamon, and nutmeg

Beat shortening and sugar together until light and fluffy. Stir in molasses. Mix dry ingredients together. Stir them into sugar mixture and gradually add water. Dough will be very stiff! 
Refrigerate overnight.
Heat oven to 350. Cut dough into 3 pieces. Roll one piece at a time (between 2 pieces of wax paper) to a thickness of about 1/4" Cut out desired shapes and patterns. Bake for about 20 minutes. Allow to cool and harden for several hours or overnight.
Finished ornaments can be painted, sealed or dipped in melted wax. The possibilities are endless!

You can find cookie cutters like this in craft stores , tag sales etc.
I have a large jar of them for crafting!

I use an electric stand mixer to make these as it is 

You will also need to refrigerate the dough overnight

Roll your dough thin as they will puff up some when baking!

I used
to paint my 
candy corn ornies

The colors that I used were

You can find out more 

These were fun to make and paint!


After I finished painting them I varnished them 

When dry I drilled small holes in them and threaded twine thru them

Years ago I found this old tin in an antique store

My husband made a 
"wood tree" 
to go inside.
He cut a hole in the cover of the tin, and I filled the tin with plaster of paris
let it set
so the "tree" would stand upright in the tin

I enjoy making seasonal ornies to hang on this tree in my dining room

You can find more of my seasonal "trees" and ornies 
Or click on the links
ornamental gingerbread dough
salt dough ornaments 
in my side bar

I hope you have enjoyed this tutorial!

Here is my completed tree in my dining room!

DecoArt Americana DECOR paints are so easy to work with!
The end result is always amazing!
DecoArt provided me with the paints to complete this project as part of their
Helping Artist Program

Americana Decor Chalky Finish paint is available 
Home Depot, Hobby Lobby, Michaels, A C Moore
possible other stores depending on where you live!

Visit the Deco Art Chalky Finish website
For more design ideas and inspiration!

Happy Painting !


  1. I love this idea, Lynn! You are awesome! :) Sheila

  2. Such a sweet idea/recipe. Can't wait to make & paint them. I see where you drilled the hole for hanger, after they were made. Thank you, :) Suzanne

  3. Love these Lynn! Thanks for sharing your recipe and the tutorial to make these.
    I made salt dough ornies a few years back, and before I baked them, I took a
    Straw and pushed it all the way through, to make a hole in the top. It worked out well.
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  4. I am enjoying your creativity, I will be checking back often to see what's next in Lynns world!


Keep those brushes flying!
Lynn Barbadora @ Painting Thyme Needfuls

"Life is a great BIG canvas and you should throw all the paint you can on it!"
~ Danny Kaye