
Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Thyme for The FOLK Side

The FOLK Side
 is a new design that I have just completed
Design was inspired
Terrye French

I found this old cutting board at a thrift shop

It made a wonderful surface for this design.
This pattern would look great on many surfaces though!

I only lightly sanded my surface. 
I did not seal it so it would have a prim look!
The knife marks on this old cutting board add even more character and texture!

I used a circle template from 
Artist Loft
 to make my pennies on this design.
You can find a templete like this 
in the fine art section of a craft store 
with drafting supplies.

I taped off my center section of the
"penney rug" and painted it Lamp Black

I then used my circle template along with a
 cosmetic sponge

 to quickly stencil the pennies on

 I then used a WHITE graphite paper to transfer the main
parts of my design on

Once these are painted you can proceed to transferring  
all the remaining details

I use a fine line writing pen from
 Lowell Cornell
 to paint all my blanket stitches around a design

The fine line writing pen takes a little getting used to 
but it is so much easier for details than a liner brush!

Painting the SHEEP

Now to add the remaining details!

This was a fun design to paint!!
I hope you have enjoyed following along!

You can purchase
my E-pattern 
The FOLK Side

Happy Painting!


Keep those brushes flying!
Lynn Barbadora @ Painting Thyme Needfuls

"Life is a great BIG canvas and you should throw all the paint you can on it!"
~ Danny Kaye